Doctrines Of The Church

Mark: 4:12: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

To contact us:

Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 2778

Honolulu, HI  96803

Phone:  808-847-5902
















Schedule of Gospel



Sunday School for all ages begins at 9 A.M.


Sunday, gospel services start at  10 A.M. and at 7 P.M. (Divine Healing to follow)


Every Tuesday and Friday at 7 P.M.


Every Wednesday at our branch church in Kaimuki at 7 P.M.


Prayer services are held daily in the Prayer Tower at 2 P.M., except on Fridays, at 10 A.M.

We preach Christ, His birth, His baptism, His works, His teachings, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension, His second coming, His millennial reign, His white throne judgement, and the new heavens and new earth when He shall have put all enemies under His feet, and shall reign eternally, and thus, we shall abide with Him forever and ever.

     REPENTANCE TOWARD GOD - Acts 20:21. Repentance is Godly sorrow for sin (II Corinthians 7:10, Mark 1:15).

     RESTITUTION - The Blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin that we can make right. We must have a conscience void of offense toward God and man. Restitution includes restoring where you have defrauded or stolen, paying back debts and confession. (Luke 19:8, 9, Ezekiel 33:15).

    THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST is the gift of power upon the sanctified (Luke 24:49; Matthew 3:11; John 7:38-39, John 14:16-17, 26; Acts 1:5-8). And when we receive it, we have the same sign or Bible evidence (as the disciples had on the day of Pentecost) speaking with tongues, as the Spirit gives utterance (Mark 16:17; I Corinthians 14:21-22). Examples - Acts 2:4; Acts 10:45-46; Acts 19:6

     HEALING OF THE BODY - Sickness and disease are destroyed through the atonement of Jesus (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14-16. All sickness is the work of the devil, which Jesus came to destroy (I John 3:8; Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38).  Jesus cast out devils and commissioned His disciples to do the same (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19; Mark 9:25-26).

     THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS - The return of Jesus is to be as literal an event, as His departure (Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3). There will be two appearances under one coming; first, to catch away His waiting bride (Matthew 24:40,44 & I Thessalonians 4:15-17); second, to execute judgment upon the ungodly (II Thessalonians 1:7-10; Jude 14 & 15; Zechariah 14:3-4).


     1st. WATER BAPTISM BY IMMERSION (SINGLE) - Jesus went down into the water and came up out of the water, giving us an example that we should follow (Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:38-39; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:4-5; Colossians 2:12).

     2nd. THE LORD’S SUPPER - Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper that we might “show His death till He come” (I Corinthians 11:23, 26; Luke 22:17-20; Matthew 26:26-29).  It brings healing to our bodies if we discern the Lord’s body (I Corinthians 11:29-30). We take the Lord’s Supper at night; “And in the evening he cometh with the twelve” (Mark 14:17).

     THE TRIBULATION-Jesus prophesied a great tribulation, such as was not seen from the beginning of the world (Matthew 24:21,22,29; Revelation 9:,16; Isaiah 26:20-21; Malachi 4:1).

     CHRIST’S MILLENNIAL REIGN is the 1000 years of the Literal reign of Jesus on this earth. It will be ushered in by the coming of Jesus back to earth with ten thousand of His saints (Jude 14, 15; II Thessalonians 1:7-10).  During this time the devil will be bound (Revelation 20:2-3). It will be a reign of peace and blessing. Isaiah 11:6-9; Isaiah 65:25; Hosea 2:18; Zechariah 14:9-20; Isaiah 2:2-4).

     THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT - God will judge the quick and dead according to their works (Revelation 20:11-14; Daniel 12:2; Acts 10:42).

     ETERNAL HEAVEN AND ETERNAL HELL - The Bible teaches that hell is as eternal as heaven. Matthew 25:41-46. The wicked shall be cast into a burning hell, a lake of fire burning with brimstone forever and ever (Revelation 14:10-11; Luke 16:24; Mark 9:43-44).

     SANCTIFICATION is that act of God’s grace by which He makes us holy. It is a second definite work wrought by the Blood of Jesus through faith (John 17:15-17; I Thessalonians 4:3; Hebrews 13:12; Hebrews 2:11; Hebrews 12:14; I John 1:7).

     JUSTIFICATION is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins (Acts 10:43; Romans 5:1; Romans 3:25; Acts 13:38-39; John 1:12; John 3:3).

     NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH – The Word teaches that this earth, which has been polluted by sin, shall pass away after the White Throne Judgment, and God will make a new heaven and new earth in which righteousness shall dwell (Matthew 24:35; II Peter 3:12-13; Revelation 21:1-3; Isaiah 65:17).

     CLUBS, SECRET SOCIETIES, ETC. – We firmly believe and hold that God’s people should have no connection whatsoever with clubs, secret societies, or any organization or body wherein there is fellowship with unbelievers, bound by an oath (Ephesians 5:12; II Timothy 2:4; II Corinthians 6:14-18; James 4:4).

     HUMAN GOVERNMENT - We recognize the institution of human government as being ordained of God. Therefore, we should be loyal to our government and stand ready to fulfill our obligations as loyal citizens. The Word of God commands us to pray for the rulers of our country. There is a growing number of conscientious objectors in our country today who claim that they do so in obedience to the Bible, yet they brazenly defy the law and constituted authority. It is outright disloyalty to established government. In fact that stand is in sympathy with the enemy. Such conduct is based upon a false impression and the true Christian Church verily does not condone their action. We therefore, strongly exhort our members to freely and willingly respond to the call of our government for military service in time of peace and in time of war (I Peter 2:13; Romans 13:1—3; I Timothy 2:1-3; II Corinthians 4:2).

The apostle Paul points out that orderly government is part of God’s provision even in a wicked world. No ruler exercises control except as God permits. Under normal circumstances the Christian is to be obedient to the law of the land. This does not mean he is to obey regulations that are immoral or anti-Christian. In such cases it is his duty to obey God rather than men (Romans 13:1-4; Daniel 4:17; Acts 5:29).

     MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE - Marriage is a divine institution, established and sanctified by God. Marriage is honorable in all. Only death dissolves the marriage bond. Divorce is only a privilege permitted by Moses because of the hardness of the human heart (Deuteronomy 24:1-4; Matthew 5:31-32; Matthew 19:7-9; I Corinthians 7:1-16 & 39; Romans 7:1-3).

     TITHING & FREE-WILL OFFERING – We believe and teach that tithing and freewill offerings are part of God’s financial plan to provide for this work upon earth. It is a voluntary matter between every believer and God (Matthew 22:21; Malachi 3:7-11; Hebrews 7:1-10; II Corinthians 9:6-7).